The mission of the Texas HPV Coalition is to build collaboration, enhance communication and work statewide to increase HPV vaccination rates.
The Human Papilloma virus (HPV) causes
different types of cancer
In Texas, only
of adolescents are up-to-date (UTD) on the HPV vaccine
HPV vaccination works best when given between ages 9 and 12
Did you know?
Texas has more adolescents and lower HPV vaccination rates when compared to the rest of the country.

“Texas has a massive opportunity to raise HPV vaccine rates and help protect children against 6 types of cancer."
Last summer, more than 40 health organizations including the American Cancer Society, Texas Medical Association, UT System, Texas Pediatric Society, the Texas Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and MD Anderson Cancer Center, publicly launched the Texas HPV Coalition.

“We can make our generation of kids the generation that turns the tide on cancer, but it’s going to take our collective effort as parents."
I understand why some parents feel uncertain about this vaccine. There are the conflicting news stories, and we’re bombarded on social media with messages that can cause us to worry and hesitate. I based my decision on scientific data and facts.

“It’s this type of collaboration, from our diverse group of members, which makes the Texas HPV Coalition’s work truly unique."
The Texas HPV Coalition is dedicated to increasing HPV vaccination rates through coordinated work across Texas. Recently, coalition workgroups gathered in Austin, TX for a 2-day workshop.
Prevent your child from six types of cancer
The HPV vaccine is safe and effective. More than 135 million doses have been administered in the U.S. with no adverse side effects. The best age for your child to receive the HPV vaccine is from 9-12. This is when the child’s immune system is primed for the vaccine and before the child is ever exposed to HPV. The HPV vaccine is for both boys and girls. The HPV vaccine is covered by insurance and the Texas Vaccines for Children program, ask your child’s doctor for it today.
Resources from the Texas HPV Coalition
Explore the HPV vaccination resource library to bolster your work in educating others and promoting HPV-related cancer prevention. Search handouts, presentations, white papers and more to get the latest information about the HPV vaccine.
Does the HPV vaccine contain harmful ingedients?

Does the HPV vaccination cause fertility issues?

Is the HPV vaccine safe?

You’re not alone: we hear you. Others have questions just like yours.
Click here to get answers to common questions about HPV cancer prevention.